Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1966
John Abbuhl
66-74 USAFRes Loadmaster on C-124 & C-130. loaded & flew with the aircraft around the USA & Abroad. 73 BA Univ. of Maryland. 74-76 Entertainment consultant booking Top 40 Bands all over the east coast. 76-85 Account Executive N.J. Bell Yellow Pages Advertising. 85-90 Account Executive S.W. Bell in Phoenix, Az. 90-93 Sales Rep for independent Yellow Pages in Southwest Florida. 95-96 Elected Commander of American Legion Post 24 in Bradenton, Fl. 2006-2008 Elected President of VFW Post 10141.
94-97 Sales rep WWPR1490 Radio. 98-02 Superior Lighting. Retired.
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